
Friday, 24 July 2015

Hi ! This is 3rd Anniv for My Blog !

Hellow my precious, my lovely friends, and my, my, my, my, my cutest blog!
For all visitors around the world, for all my friends who I can see or not. Although you never show your existence, I can feel you (´`ʃƪ) . . you always stand by me. Secretly miss me . . continuously. wkwkwk I think I’m going crazy hahaha

Oh my, what date is it? 24th July? Noooooo!
I past celebrate. July 8th is birthday this blog. Now, it is3 years old. wow! Its 3rd anniversary. I realize that my blog not good enough yet, but I try to upgrade it in every way.
Let’s review what I had written since July 2014. ^^

1. Me vs My Blog

2. Musiclopedia
In musiclopedia category I wrote some articles about mandarin song and singers. Most of them written in Indonesian language, there are some songs: _[Resensi] ::Vanness Wu – How Do You Know? _[Resensi]:: Pets Cheng – How to Stop Love? and _TracklistJudul Lagu Mandarin Anti-maintstream.
There are some good singers: _DentingPiano Penyanyi Taiwan Part 1 and _Part 2 If you are not Indonesian or you can’t understand Indonesian language, you can translate it by translator. Another way, you can ask me directly what you want to know from the articles. oke, go forward! (_;)

3. Dramaclopedia and Musiclopedia
Those categories are about drama and movie which good to watch. I wrote some review and recommendation such as _Scarlet Heart 2 : Terperangkap dalam IngatanKisah Cinta Masa Lalu and _Fleet ofTime : Kisah 5 Sahabat dalam Lingkaran Cinta .

This category started one year ago. Just some words from many sources with related illustration. Initially, I only want to share it for you, but right now I hope it can fill the blank puzzle in your heart. You can find some good quotes here _until Quotes#18

5. Dayly Analyst
The newest category, I will not speak too much about this category. _Coming Soon : DailyAnalyst ! Hahaha (ᗒᗜᗕ) just wait and read the first note: _Arang, Si Hitam Penuh Misteri .

Oke,, for one year I wrote 29 Notes. 18 Quotes and 11 Writings. I hope I can write more, more, and more notes. Aamiin . . Pengyoumen~ GanBei!! (*゚ー゚)

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Hello, Pengyoumen~
I'd like to say thank you for visit my little blog, read my notes. Hope we can be friend although we aren't face to face. Please enjoy. If any question or comment you want me know, write here (^.^)/
Teman-teman sebangsa dan setanah air~
Kalau kalian ada pertanyaan yang masih terpendam dalam hati, tentang blog mini milikku atau ingin lebih tahu tentang dunia mandarin lovers. silahkan tulis disini. <(~,^)/
Don't forget to write your name,
Tinggalkan namamu, buat arsip. Hehehee~