OK! Check this out!
It is old song but still touch my heart. The un-special November. *hurting
Ost Ying Ye 3 + 1 (2007). This song is about friendship, exactly long time friendship. Best friend, easy to speak that. But, it is so hard to find in the whole life. That is right, isn’t it?
Best friend cannot find just for a second. Best friend has many different things with friend.
Sometimes friend can back to stranger if we cannot hold it tight. *hadeeeh
“wo zhi dao xian zai yi qian hui you hen duo bu yi yang .. yi ran xiang jiao dao ni wo can liu xia de meng xiang ..”
(I know that now and the past, many things are different. I still want to find those strands of memory both of us left behind)
“wo men dou zhang da le, que mei you yi qian de yong chi lai yi qi gang” 
That’s my favorite words.. If you kepo with this song see the _video and read the _translation.
_Victor Wong – All for Love .
All for Love, Love for All. Good song! It can up your spirit. Love it!
Victor and his friends mix modern and traditional instruments. And it is beautiful. The lyrics are very nice! Pas, cocok, jeung sae pisan atuh. Speechless pokokna mah .. hahaha
“Yi wan ci bei ai zhi huan yi ge zui ai”
(A million times of being loved only exchanges for one favorite love)
Come on! For all galauers around the world! You must try this! See _video and read _translation
Hmm .. Friends, actually there is one song again. But, I can’t share at this time coz there’s any problem. Sorry. Last word for you, bye_bye !! *love you all* hahaha
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