. . .

Welcome to my little blog. I just want to share some notes. Notes about me, my blog, and all the things I loved. I loved Taiwanese drama, Chinese drama, and mandarin songs. If you already read my post, leave your COMMENT and VOTE please. I need your opinion to be better. (^.-)/
If you want to request some notes, you can send me email, or contact me in social network. I active in IG account @lintang_ns . I'm waiting for you! \(^.^)/ Oh ya, don't forget to DM me! ^^

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Pustaka Hati

Karya : Lintang Irnawati

Lembaran kusam yang berdebu
Jejak tintanya telah pudar
Bak hilangnya ingatanku tentangmu

Tetesan kepedihan

Friday, 18 April 2014

You Are The Apple of My Eye : Bermimpi Selama Delapan Tahun, dan Terbelenggu Seumur Hidup .

diresensi oleh notes_maker

Judul Asli : 那些年,我們一起追的女孩
Judul Novel : You Are the Apple of My Eye
Penulis : Giddens Ko
Penerjemah : Stella Angelina dan Fei
Penyunting : NyiBlo
Desainer Cover : Dedi Andrianto
Penerbit : Haru
Cetakan kedua, April 2014
Tebal : 350 halaman
ISBN : 978-602-7742-28-4
Harga : Rp. 63.000,00
Notes : ✦✦✦✦