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Welcome to my little blog. I just want to share some notes. Notes about me, my blog, and all the things I loved. I loved Taiwanese drama, Chinese drama, and mandarin songs. If you already read my post, leave your COMMENT and VOTE please. I need your opinion to be better. (^.-)/
If you want to request some notes, you can send me email, or contact me in social network. I active in IG account @lintang_ns . I'm waiting for you! \(^.^)/ Oh ya, don't forget to DM me! ^^

Friday, 31 July 2015

Friday, 24 July 2015

Happy,, Idul Fitri 1436 Hijriah .

July 17th, 2015 (1st Syawal 1436 H)

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
Dear all Muslim people around the world,
In one month, we ‘berpuasa’ with high patience
In one month, we disappear all negative things
    decrease nastiness , increase kindness
In one month, we try to come closer with Allah SWT
- In one month called Ramadhan . . (_) -

Hi ! This is 3rd Anniv for My Blog !

Hellow my precious, my lovely friends, and my, my, my, my, my cutest blog!
For all visitors around the world, for all my friends who I can see or not. Although you never show your existence, I can feel you (´`ʃƪ) . . you always stand by me. Secretly miss me . . continuously. wkwkwk I think I’m going crazy hahaha

Oh my, what date is it? 24th July? Noooooo!
I past celebrate. July 8th is birthday this blog. Now, it is3 years old. wow! Its 3rd anniversary. I realize that my blog not good enough yet, but I try to upgrade it in every way.