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Welcome to my little blog. I just want to share some notes. Notes about me, my blog, and all the things I loved. I loved Taiwanese drama, Chinese drama, and mandarin songs. If you already read my post, leave your COMMENT and VOTE please. I need your opinion to be better. (^.-)/
If you want to request some notes, you can send me email, or contact me in social network. I active in IG account @lintang_ns . I'm waiting for you! \(^.^)/ Oh ya, don't forget to DM me! ^^

Monday, 30 September 2013

[Review] :: Yoga Lin – Unrequited .

Hello September ! ^0^ Hi … I’m sorry.. guys
Now, I know that Student College has much different part with student in Senior High School. More times I must spend to think about Academic, Organization, etc. And you know? I’m so tired! (-_-) *bad_eyes
So, I hope you can forgive me. ^o^ …… skip>>>

Yoga Lin. The charismatic man with expensive lips. *upss isn’t it? (^o~) hahaha
Let’s back to the review! . . . Skip>>>