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Welcome to my little blog. I just want to share some notes. Notes about me, my blog, and all the things I loved. I loved Taiwanese drama, Chinese drama, and mandarin songs. If you already read my post, leave your COMMENT and VOTE please. I need your opinion to be better. (^.-)/
If you want to request some notes, you can send me email, or contact me in social network. I active in IG account @lintang_ns . I'm waiting for you! \(^.^)/ Oh ya, don't forget to DM me! ^^

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Suddenly Seventeen : Kala Jiwa Muda Bersemi Kembali .

diresensi oleh notes_maker

Seperti 3656 hari sebelumnya,
Sebelum dia terbangun, aku memasang wajah tercantikku - Liang Xia

Friday, 3 November 2017

Puppy Love : Kumpulan Surat Cinta Dari Masa Lalu .

diresensi oleh notes_maker

Surat-suratmu telah aku baca, aku pun mengerti hatimu.
Tapi kemudian,
Aku menyadari dalam diriku berucap “tidak mencintaimu” – Ye Hongying