
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

[List] :: My Favorite songs in July 2013 !

Hello again! (^.-)/
In this note, I’ll share my favorite songs in this month, July 2013. Let’s read! (^o^)

_Sodagreen – Childhood . <xiao shi hou>

 This song is the most favorite song for me. When I hear this song in television, I know that this song have big meaning. So, I downloaded that song. When I heard it again, I heard Greeny spoke some words in the opening by smooth voice. I was curious what Greeny said in that song. Then, I searched the translation of that song. 
You know? I cried when I got the translation. Why? It is just a translation, isn’t?

[Review] :: You are The Apple of My Eye !

Hello,, (^.-)/
I’ll give you a review good film. It is about friendship, school, romance and comedy. The main cast are:: Ko Chen-tung as Ko Ching-teng and Michelle Chen as Shen Chia-yi. Check this out!

You are the apple of my eye, released in 2011 ago. It was about one man who fell in love with his classmate in senior high school. His name is Ko Ching-teng. Ching-teng loved with beauty, cute, and smart girl called Shen Chia-yi.  But, they couldn’t be together. hiks.. I hate sad ending! Coz, it makes me feeling hurt. (T.T)

Absolutely, I know that Ko Ching-teng couldn’t forget his love until now! Why?

Saturday, 27 July 2013

[Me] :: My Story In Senior High School !

I’m back again, back again! \(^o^)/

Ok! I’ve already write my story in senior high school. My _Putih Abu-abu_ .
My senior high school named SMAN 1 Cisaat Sukabumi. Cisaat was a district in small town called Sukabumi, Indonesia. Want to know? Happy reading. ^o^

30th June 2010, I got an announcement that I had been receiving in one school. SMAN 1 Cisaat Sukabumi, my lovely school! (^.^)v
I love the old building!
I love the scary trees!
I love the sound of birds, crickets, and tractors in the field!
I love my teachers! I love my friends!
… Absolutely, I love anything in my school! ^o^

What do you think about my school?
Maybe you never think that there’s school like this. So simple! ^o^
How about your school?

[My Blog] :: Review 1st Anniversary !

These are my notes since 8 July 2012 until 8 July 2013. There are notes about myself, my favourites mandarin dramas and mandarin songs, until notes about my idol ! (^.-)/

About [My Blog and I]
_Welcome To My Heart ! ~opening blog <Bahasa Indonesia>
_Welcome To My New Heart ! ~opening blog <English language>
_Life Is Like A Song ! ~note for notes maker’s birthday <English language>

Drama [Review]
_Meteor Garden . ~school and romance <Bahasa Indonesia>
_In Time With You . ~best friend become lovers <English language>
_Material Queen ! ~woman who love rich man <English language>
_Brown Sugar Macchiato . ~ comedy and romance in the school <English language>

Songs [Review]
_Hu Xia – Those Years . ~about school, love, and friendship

[My Blog] :: 1st Anniversary and It will upgrade !

Wei?! Attention please .
For visitors, Thanks for all your kindness

Now, my blog is one year old! Yeah \^o^/
I don’t know what to say. Absolutely, I must say thanks for all my visitors. Thank you so much!!
And I’m sorry if you didn’t satisfied.

And .. I will upgrade my blog, hope visitors like it. I also hope visitors can give me some advice to be better. Just stay turn (^.^)v