
Saturday, 27 July 2013

[Me] :: My Story In Senior High School !

I’m back again, back again! \(^o^)/

Ok! I’ve already write my story in senior high school. My _Putih Abu-abu_ .
My senior high school named SMAN 1 Cisaat Sukabumi. Cisaat was a district in small town called Sukabumi, Indonesia. Want to know? Happy reading. ^o^

30th June 2010, I got an announcement that I had been receiving in one school. SMAN 1 Cisaat Sukabumi, my lovely school! (^.^)v
I love the old building!
I love the scary trees!
I love the sound of birds, crickets, and tractors in the field!
I love my teachers! I love my friends!
… Absolutely, I love anything in my school! ^o^

What do you think about my school?
Maybe you never think that there’s school like this. So simple! ^o^
How about your school?
I think your school is … great, luxurious, complete, wonderful, and … \(^o^)/
Actually, your school is different from my school. Is it right, isn’t it?

But, I know the same thing from our school.
“Special” … One word that represent our school. (^.-)/
My school is special for me. I’m sure that your school is special for you also. Although there’s any school in your dream, your real school is more special than your dream school. \(-.^)

“Putih Abu-Abu” is a little part of my life, but I’ll never forget that part!
Indonesian people said that part of _Putih Abu-Abu_ is unforgettable time. That’s right! \^o^/

For my friends in the outside of Indonesia, I’ll tell you what the meaning of _Putih Abu-Abu_. 
Putih is white, and Abu-abu is Grey . Yup, that means _white and grey_ . Those are the colors of Indonesian Senior High School uniform. In the picture, you can see that my friends and I wear white in the top clothes and grey in the bottom clothes.  Understand?

In that school, I got a lot of special moment which I will not forget. I met a lot of different student. I love them! Absolutely, I love “TST” means Twelve Science Three. Happy, sad, smile, laugh, cry, hurt, had been passed with them. The most unforgettable moment is when we must go our separate ways. (T.T)

22th May 2013, that day was the most unforgettable moment. The separation day.

A lot of smile, smile which full of hurt. Hurt that we don’t know when we can meet again. But ..
“High School wasn’t meant to last forever” ..
“Jika tua nanti kita t’lah hidup masing-masing, ingatlah hari ini” ..
Those words gave me the biggest support. \(^o^)/

That’s a little part of my story in senior high school.
How about you? Can you tell me a little bit about your senior high school? I want you can share with me. Thanks for reading. (^.-)/

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