
Saturday, 11 January 2014

[My Blog] :: Remake blog 2014 !

Hello, my lovely unknown friends! *plakk  hahaha
Did you miss me? Did you love me? ::lol:: OMG, my stress level over the standard!

How are you guys! Are you still ok? I miss to share with you, but,, I don’t know how to say. I’m soooo busy. 2 month I didn’t post anything. And the end, I’m come back in 2014! Are you happy?
Whhatt? NO?!! Oh my .. It is unpredictable word. . . . . . .  no problem, coz It’s time to remake blog! Why??

Yesterday, 10-01-2014 … wow it meant there are 1001 stories in 2014.

I want to share more note than 2013. But, now I think that my English isn’t enough to share all notes I want share. In the next note, maybe you’ll see some word in Indonesian or my traditional language. I hope you’ll understand. 
If you want to know what that’s meaning,, please comment or contact me in social network. Don’t be stress if you cannot understand ma language. hahaha
2014, hope the world will be better. Hope you'll visit my blog continuously. hihihi  

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Hello, Pengyoumen~
I'd like to say thank you for visit my little blog, read my notes. Hope we can be friend although we aren't face to face. Please enjoy. If any question or comment you want me know, write here (^.^)/
Teman-teman sebangsa dan setanah air~
Kalau kalian ada pertanyaan yang masih terpendam dalam hati, tentang blog mini milikku atau ingin lebih tahu tentang dunia mandarin lovers. silahkan tulis disini. <(~,^)/
Don't forget to write your name,
Tinggalkan namamu, buat arsip. Hehehee~