
Thursday, 31 October 2013

[List] :: My Favorite songs in October 2013 !

Hello, Hi and Hello ! (^.-)/ I’m back again,, hehe

I’ll share my favorite songs in this month, October 2013. Come on! \(^o^)/

_Michael Wong – Promise . <yue ding>

When I open my old folder, I found this song. Yupz, this is not new song. From another article, I know that this song realize in 2006. Wow,, seven years passed. And in this month my life likes that song. (>.<) *tear fells
Some day before, my friends and I promised to live happily. And?? 

Nothing happened. Hahahaha OK back to the topic!

This song is very beautiful, soft, and harmful. The story was about man who wants to be a singer. So he comes to one competition. He was very nervous. But there was woman who supports him. Always supports him. But that woman couldn’t speak like other women. Just like that, the man had been a star. He became success person. The woman felt alone. She decided to leave the man in his new world. But she never know that the man miss him so much. T.T

“ying zhe feng wo ye xiao le. ta yi ding hui gao su ni de … wo geng ai ni le!”
<Hearing that wind, I smile too. He will tell you that ... I love you more!>

Click _music video to see that song, or click _translation to read the translation.
and If you want to karaoke with sub and pinyin, click _karaoke . Happy singing!
_Yoga Lin – Yearning for Freedom . <xiang zi you>

Again and again! The man with expensive lips. *upsst hahaha
This song is different with “Unrequited”. It isn’t about love. It is about freedom. Unusual theme, but it makes this song good. Maybe we must speak seriously. But I don’t know how to tell you the meaning. Hehe So I think you must get the meaning by yourself. Hehehe I’m sorry ..
This song is very good for us to open our mind. ^o^

 “wei jiang lai de nan ce jiu fang qi zhe yi ke.”
<I won’t give up this moment simply because of an unknown future>

Just one click, you can see the _music video or read the _translation
But, If you want to karaoke click here _karaoke . Happy singing! (^.-)/

OK! Because I want to study for my test tomorrow, so I can’t give you many songs. Sorry..
I’ll miss you! Muuuachh *stress high level* (*<>*)

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