
Friday, 30 August 2013

[Review] :: Sodagreen – I really Miss You !

Hello!! I’m back for you! Hehe ~^o^~ 
First of all, I’m sorry because in this month I can’t post many notes. *I was so busy (-_-)

And,, I’m sorry again because I won’t give you list of my favorite songs in August. I will just give you one song. That song is the most favorite song for me in August 2013. The newest song from my favorite band, Sodagreen. (^o^)

“wo hao xiang ni” means I really miss you. That song is original soundtrack from new Taiwanese movie, Tiny Times. I already download this song 2 month ago, but I choose this day to write the review. Why?
Because this day is 30th August! Hah?!
I know you’ll think: “Is it special?” Of course! This day is very special, actually for all Soda_fans around the world. This day is the day when one great song-writer was born, Wu Qing-feng. Hwaaa!! “zhu ni sheng ri kuai le, Qing-feng!” 

When I listen this song, I continuously remember my lovely Putih Abu-abu .. (T.T) hiks
“I miss you” in this song not only can express to lover. In the music video, you can catch the story clearly. The story tells about friendship within 4 girls, 3 boys. Many conflicts in there, which make them mad and cry. Absolutely this song very good! The great melody, the wonderful lyrics, the great story, and the wonderful video had been packaged in this song. \^o^/

Those are my favorite part in this song. What’s your favorite part? What?! You don’t watch the video yet? Click _music video to watch some part of the film. But, if you want to know the means of the lyrics click _translation . (^.-)/

“wo hao xiang ni, hao xiang ni, jiu dang zuo mi mi …… jiu shen chang zai xin.”
I miss you, miss you, I’ll just make it a secret …… So I hide it deep in my heart .. ^o^

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