
Tuesday, 13 August 2013

[Notes] :: The Special Day in August !

Wei?! How are you my friends?
Almost 2 weeks I didn’t post anything. I’m sorry, friends. It because I was really busy. I must prepare lot of things, coz I’ll move to my rent house near my college. Yup! I’ll leave my home and my parents in Sukabumi. I’ll go to Bogor, another city in Indonesia. So, I hope you understand why I was inactive some days before. ~^o^~

August, the lovely month for Indonesian people. Wanna know?

Hm, For all Indonesian people! Do you remember what the most special day in August? Absolutely, you must remember! 17th August, our beloved Indonesian Independence Day! \(^o^)/

Yeepy! The day when Indonesian flag fly in front all home in Indonesia! The day when all things seems in red and white. _Merah Putih_ !! <(^o^)/ *hormat
I miss when I must go to Independence Day ceremony and stand up bellow the sunlight. Wear the uniform of Senior High School. See the flag raisers with white clothes bring Indonesian flag. Hear some people sing the national anthem of Indonesia. _Indonesia Raya_ !! d[^o^]b

When I was a young girl, I followed some competitions in 17 August. The prize wasn’t my destination, but the excitement was the big passion. It was so funny. Lot of competitions! Maybe you can try to see and participate in the competitions. Come on! Come to Indonesia!! (^o-)/

What do you think? It’s so strange, isn’t it? Haha
For me, the most funny competition is _Panjat Pinang_ ^o^ haha
For my foreign friends,, How about Independence Day in your country? Is it same?

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