
Friday, 17 August 2012

Teresa Teng – The Moon Represent My Heart .

This song is a song who never end. This song became famous at 70’s. It’s a long time, isn’t it? For me until now this song still famous. This song has been sung by many singer in the world. In our country, Agnez Monica also ever sang this song with Jerry Yan. Very romantic. ^.^

What? I just talk about Agnez and Jerry Yan? Ooh, I’m sorry. But don’t worry, next time I will talk about another. So, stay in this blog! ^.^

This song tell about a woman who want to explain something to a man.  She want to explain that her love for him very real. Until she says that the moon represent her heart. This song very romantic for me!

She says that her affection is real and it doesn’t waver. She also says, her love is real and it won’t change. Wow! It is romantic, isn’t it?

“ni qu xiang yi xiang, ni qu kan yi kan, yue liang dai wo de xin . . !”
“go think about it, go and have a look (at the moon), the moon represent my heart . . !”

So sweet . . ^.^

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