
Friday, 17 August 2012

In Time With You .

That is Taiwanese drama. The cast are Wilson Chen and Ariel Lin. Did you know them?

Ariel Lin became famous since she play in It Start with A Kiss and They Kiss Again. If you are mandarin lover, I believe you know that drama. Of course, that is Ariel Lin. In Time with You is a new Ariel Lin’s drama. She play with Wilson Chen also known as Chen Bo Lin. ^.^

In Time with You is drama about two best friends who didn’t know that they fall in love with each other.  Ariel Lin as Chen You Qing, and Wilson Chen as Lin Da Ren. ^.^

When they in senior high school, they didn’t agreed. Until one day, Da Ren wants to be closer with You Qing and said “I won’t like you”. Then, they became a friend. Day by day, year by year, they exceed it as best friend. ^.^

One day, You Qing listened a recorder. She surprise! There is Da Ren’s voice who singing a song. The title of that song is I won’t like you. She cried when she listen that song. She know that Da Ren love her. She run away to her home. She take a letter from Da Ren. She can’t stop her crying! T.T

At the moment, she know that she also love Da Ren. They meet each other, and say what they feel. After that, they become a couple.  ^.^

Just it. If you want to know about it, maybe you can watch it. ^.^

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