Love is you, my beloved friends (´⌣`ʃƪ)
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Thank you soooo much ! For always support me, give an advice, and comment. Thanks (=^.^=)
Big love for you . . . . . My Blog’s Fourth Anniversary !
I’m happy to reach this day ! I Love 8th July ! Too much love ♡ ♡
I loved to remember the day when I posted my first note. (⌒_⌒;)
Whaaaaatt ??
19th July? Oh my dad and my mom ! I passed the day again o(╥﹏╥)o
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, I drenched in my real life, stress with minithesis for diploma degree .
But now I’m here ! Want to collage the blog’s memories during one year ago ! ヽ(*´з`*)ノ
1. Another Notes
This label filled some notes which didn’t include on seven label below (except: Bahasa). There are two another notes since July 2015. _Dua Ribu Enam Belas ? . . . and . . . _Receh Untuk Buku .
2. Bahasa Indonesia
All notes that written in Bahasa Indonesia, otomatically enter this label.
I’m Proud of My National Language. _Bahasa Indonesia (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)
If you are not Indonesian or you can’t understand Indonesian language, you can translate it by translator. Another way, you can ask me directly what you want to know from the articles. oke, go forward! (⌒_⌒;)
3. Bookishpedia
This is new label on Nolscore’s Notes ! Hehehe (=^・^=)
Some months ago, I decided to join in book world. And ... I’m happy ! I try to join two reading challenge . _Make your own risk reading challenge, and _tantangan membaca Haru
I had written ........ book reviews. Included _Dilan 1990, _The Stolen Years, _Café Waiting Love, until _Natisha .
4. Dayly Analyst
The hardest label! Hahaha (ᗒᗜᗕ) Just two notes during one year .
I must think harder to make one notes in this label! wow spectacular! _ Dayly Analyst
5. Dramaclopedia
Hai Hai ! Unsuspected , this label donated lot of visitor ! Because Scarlet Heart 2, (´⌣`ʃƪ) ,
So, I try to post other drama, This is it ! _Deja Vu , _Someone Like You
Oh ya, I wrote an article : _Drama Taiwan tentang orang berwajah identik (kembar) part 1.
6. Me vs My Blog
Hahahaaaa (^o^) _Me vs My Blog
Some notes about me, include Dotty Diaries . Hahahaaaa my publish diary.
I hope it can inspired someone to write a diary! Hihihiiii (~,^)
7. Movielopedia
It’s movie time! Hahahaaa (´ε` )♡
You want to know some great movie? I wrote some movie review!
Read it if you want, _My Classmate and _Our Times
8. Musiclopedia
In musiclopedia category I wrote some articles about mandarin song and singers.
But, I did not post a new article during one year. Huft, Sorry pengyoumen~
I’ll update _Musiclopedia as soon as possible!
9. Poesyclopedia
Just click _Poesyclopedia . Hahahahaaaa (ᗒᗜᗕ)
Some dramatic, inspirationing, and sad _Quotes here! Love it ! (∩˃o˂∩)♡
Oke,, for one year I wrote 49 Notes. 16 Quotes and 43 Writings.
I hope I can write more, more, and more notes. Aamiin . . Pengyoumen~ GanBei!! (*゚ー゚)ゞ
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Hello, Pengyoumen~
I'd like to say thank you for visit my little blog, read my notes. Hope we can be friend although we aren't face to face. Please enjoy. If any question or comment you want me know, write here (^.^)/
Teman-teman sebangsa dan setanah air~
Kalau kalian ada pertanyaan yang masih terpendam dalam hati, tentang blog mini milikku atau ingin lebih tahu tentang dunia mandarin lovers. silahkan tulis disini. <(~,^)/
Don't forget to write your name,
Tinggalkan namamu, buat arsip. Hehehee~