
Sunday, 31 January 2016

Dotty Diaries of January 2016

Hi 2016 . How are you? In this month, I feel very happy.
  • In countdown to 2016, I saw lots of firework in this city! Red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. Five colours melt in the air. Love it too much. (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘) Last chance to see it from my rent house. At Tanah Baru No. 219
  • Two days left,
    At 3rd January, my schoolman got marriage. Some students and I went to wedding party as the last invitee. Yups, we almost late! Hahahaa cute partnership (_;)

    Cute Partnership
    Look! Can you guess who’s the oldest and the youngest? Hihihiii
  • Next, I did some test in the end of semester. But no problem, it just for 4days. After that I have holiday! very long holiday … yuhuuuuu~
  • This months, some schedules for book years
AKA 54
  • Friends, how cute you are ヽ(*´з`*)ノ
    I realize that three years passed so quickly. Although love comes in late, I am wonderful be a little part of you. *baper 
  • Another happiness . . Alhamdulillah
  • I won a giveaway! I got one Mandarin translated novel from Kubikel Romance. New novel which published by Haru. Thank you~
  • I’m one of some elected bloggers who become Host The Stolen Years Blog Tour at February. Stay Turn!
  • The best moment in this January,
    One night two days with Jurnalika period 2015-2016. Track Record Jurnalika at villa near Curug 7 Cilember. Huuu~ Great moment guys!
    At noon, we traveled and reached The 5th waterfall. At night, we baked some delicious corn.
Mozaik Jurnalika
  • Hi! Ampersand and Fasco!
    Take care, Maybe this is last moment Mozaik spend good time with you all, cute juniors. o(╥╥)o 
  • That heart, is still waiting and didn’t leave.
    Traveled all over the world, but you are always the closest one to me – Telling You Quietly (Christine Fan)
Goodbye January, thanks for lots of happiness (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

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