
Thursday, 31 December 2015

Dotty Diaries of Desember 2015

Hello Desember, nice to meet you. (^.^)/
  • I started this month with last spirit that I have in this semester. Trying to find another spirit source, besides him. hayati eneng  lelah kang~ hahaha *kangkung
  • 1st Dec morning, I opened internet network on my own handphone. And, I got lot of message from WhatsApp. 1221 messages, whereas I just close it for one night. Huft … Should I open it?
    • NINE practice examinations in this month. Ouh, demanding schedule! First examination, utility of industries. Analysis about environment, like number of permanganate in water, TSS, TDS, etc.  /(-_-)>
      Next day, upsst I mean next examination day. It all about petrochemical and polymers. 
    •  05.20 a.m (13rd Dec), there’s a call |
      Ka Lintang
      , where are you? | Hmm, I just wake up  | What? Come on, hurry up ! I wait in front the gate| OMG Hahaha~ I late 58 minutes, and paid a fine … 25.000 rupiah (>_<)” |
      Hahaha,, 13 December 2015 is a precious event from Jurnalika. Just one time for a year.  
    • That’s Jurnalika Fair !! and I came late (-_-) oh my . . .
    • In the middle of Desember, I almost lost my enthusiasm on my study. Because I need a holiday at that time. Huft .. I’m too tired for this long semester. . .Holiday please …….. o(╥﹏╥)o
      and My Classmates think it also. So, we planned to run away from AKA! Hahaha .. . just for 3days.
    • 18-20 December 2015, ESFORCE MAKRAB ヽ(*´з`*)ノ
      Makrab (Malam Keakraban), in English maybe its named ‘Familiarity Night’. It is the first time for us to tighten our classmate chemistry. Unforgettable three days two night, I’m very happy become a part of you all. Esforce, Energy Spirit for Class E. #makrabnjir
      Like reborn,, I got full spirit here! Thanks Esforce (´⌣`ʃƪ)
      • Next day, I go to some book store and bought lot of books. There are Chicken Soup for Couple’s Soul, Dilan Tahun 1991, Cinta Paket Hemat, and  . . one secret book hahaha about broken heart.
      • Then, I watched C-Movie | My Old Classmate | School-Romance-Comedy | ★★★★★ | Review soon
      I want to take you someplace, where there’s just the two of us – Lin Yi
      We have failed in face of reality, Lin Yi, we don’t owe each other anything – Xiao Zhi
      • 2015 closed by saw lot of fireworks. ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ Yeeeey . Hope tomorrow more beautiful . .

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