
Monday, 30 November 2015

Dotty Diaries of November 2015

 November comes! Just take a memories..
  • Bought Great Books : Chicken Soup for College Soul. Read this book, tears cannot be covered. Like time machine! It brought me to some difficult days, before who am I today.

  • Found a cute animator account in Instagram, (´`ʃƪ)
  • P.e.l.a.n.t..i.k.a.n – enthronization new members of Jurnalika . Yeepy, have lot of ‘dede gemes’ wkwkwk (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖  . . . .
  • Huuu~ 10 November. Happy 2nd Anniversary Mozaik (Jurnalika ’13) Unforgetable Moz ! <(^o^)/
    I’m the winner nomination of TERTOA  <(-__-)>
  • Happy Guardiation AKA 53!
  • Thanks Moz and Jurnalika, for the cake and the duck minibook. (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)  20th y.o. (Getting Old) hahaa
  • Beside the happiness,
    there is one of my hope pass away. one years ago I wanted it, but until I found this day (again) I cann’t reach it. no problem 

Love is not like what you told me, 
as simple as making a wish  – Call My Name (183 Club feat 7Flowers)
God won’t  give the things you want, but the things you need . – Anonymous
    • I wanna say something, for my younger brother:
      Dede Faisaaaaal, hope you can still with us – Jurnalika. U’re part of us, bu yau ku wo de didi~ Ting ni de gushi, jiejie xin tong a!  
    Reach this month, happy, cute, angry, until disappointed mixed. Hope, wish, just still in deepest heart. Although lot of barriers, I’ll always fly up, twenty !!!


    1. I need to learn English from this little cute blog. I am sure we can learn from many things we found on Internet.

      1. Absolutely, we can found and learn everything Internet, include English :) Like walking library hehehe
        Thanks for visit and say me cute. Happy learning English and blogging :)


    Hello, Pengyoumen~
    I'd like to say thank you for visit my little blog, read my notes. Hope we can be friend although we aren't face to face. Please enjoy. If any question or comment you want me know, write here (^.^)/
    Teman-teman sebangsa dan setanah air~
    Kalau kalian ada pertanyaan yang masih terpendam dalam hati, tentang blog mini milikku atau ingin lebih tahu tentang dunia mandarin lovers. silahkan tulis disini. <(~,^)/
    Don't forget to write your name,
    Tinggalkan namamu, buat arsip. Hehehee~