It began at Thursday, Stereochemistry of polymer (-_-)> Too many atactic people around me. Hahaha
First Aid Training by Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), Bogor
Hahaha . Finally, I touched mitela again! It’s like open some sweet memories … (ᗒᗜᗕ)
Practice of Electronics and Transducers was started! Lot of happy ..
Another happy, two days one night – Diklat Jurnalika (⌒_⌒;)
Listened an old story about how my organization began from one of Jurnalika founder d(^.^)b
Watched: So Young a.k.a To Youth | 致我们终将逝去的青春| C-movie | Very, very complex | Not bad | Not great | 3/5 stars for this movie |
There is one song from South Korea which hurt me so bad.
I might seem dark because I’m covered with thorns But don’t worry,
Because pretty flowers will bloom out of me – Cactus (WooHyun feat Lucia)
SC taste Ketuplak officially over. Thank you the real ketuplak, you’ve tried too hard. Hope next year, you become a real SC! Just give me sweetest smile [^‿^]
Finally, closed by Mid Test Semester ! Alhamdulillah . . .
Hello, Pengyoumen~ I'd like to say thank you for visit my little blog, read my notes. Hope we can be friend although we aren't face to face. Please enjoy. If any question or comment you want me know, write here (^.^)/ Teman-teman sebangsa dan setanah air~ Kalau kalian ada pertanyaan yang masih terpendam dalam hati, tentang blog mini milikku atau ingin lebih tahu tentang dunia mandarin lovers. silahkan tulis disini. <(~,^)/ - Don't forget to write your name, Tinggalkan namamu, buat arsip. Hehehee~
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Hello, Pengyoumen~
I'd like to say thank you for visit my little blog, read my notes. Hope we can be friend although we aren't face to face. Please enjoy. If any question or comment you want me know, write here (^.^)/
Teman-teman sebangsa dan setanah air~
Kalau kalian ada pertanyaan yang masih terpendam dalam hati, tentang blog mini milikku atau ingin lebih tahu tentang dunia mandarin lovers. silahkan tulis disini. <(~,^)/
Don't forget to write your name,
Tinggalkan namamu, buat arsip. Hehehee~