
Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Dotty Diaries of September 2015

When I woke up in 1st September, I can’t realize that I’ve reached this month. The month what all activities begin and the end of holiday ~

  • Wishing souvenir from Krakatau Steel, although only a sticker. But ~
  • Just a sunset in Anyer
  • There’s special someone in the photo. It’s Jurnalika candit ! (ᗒᗜᗕ) at IIBF 
  • The start of the end stories in Poltek AKA Bogor –(first day of last grade)-
  • Bunda Galak –(oh my, that’s not me! cause I’m just a shy girl)- hahaha
  • Rerun Fleet of Time . . . movie for the missing years. a moment to remember
  • Interview Junior?  wkwkwk
  • A lot of sorry, Janur and Amry –(an amburegul couple)- with others old student from ISI Yogya who graduated in this month. I can’t stand by you, but you can feel my bless anywhere. Happy graduation!
  • bobo gih (¬、¬) don’t worry, kid! Hahaha without your order, I’ll sleep every day, every night, and every morning
  • Hi son! Happy to meet you again~ It’ve been 2 years since last we met. Becareful in Borneo, my soniya!

  • A song by Yura and Glen Fredly –(Cinta dan Rahasia)- I don’t know when its start, but it fills me during a month.
  • Barong is not terrible as you think .
  • The last, can I call him? yes, you! is there another ‘him’ around me? Hahaha
  • wan an wo de gege~ Hahaha *gubrag*
At the end, I realized this is 30th September. A simple month which have a complex line. bye~ (´⌣`ʃƪ)

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