Happy February! Very happy .. coz one month holiday for me! Huft, I waited it for seven month. In this holiday, I visited my sister and grandparents in Yogyakarta. But this week is the end of my holiday *sad* Although my holiday will end, I won’t forget to shared with you, friends. Now I’ll shared my favorite songs in December 2013. Come on !!
_Zhang Han – Gathering memories <shi yi>
This song is one of Meteor Shower OST. Very nice! I love it like I love Meteor garden!
Hwaaaa!! Can you feel it? It’s like you lost the person you love the most. Oh my …
“ni wo de ai xiang rong hua de bing qi ling. . .
. . . sui ran hen tian, que mei you le na zhong jing ying.”
. . . sui ran hen tian, que mei you le na zhong jing ying.”
(Our love seems like melting cream. Sweet, yet it doesn’t glisten the same way)
Are you anxious to see the _music video or read the _translation ? Just click what you want!
You can see the _video with translation !
You can see the _video with translation !
_Jerry Yan – I will love you very deeply <wo hui hen ai ni>
Hmm,, so sweet. I’m certain that you know Jerry Yan. If you didn’t know Jerry Yan, it toooo bad! Haha This song is one of Hot Shot OST. That’s drama about friendship, romance, and sport.
" ni gei wo yong qi, kuai le ji mo zou dao xing fu na yi tou”
Click _music video to see the video, and click _translation if you want to get the meaning of this song!
OK!! I must prepare something, coz today I’ll back to Bogor. Bye_bye *muuachh
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