
Monday, 22 April 2013

Victor Wong – I’m Sure !

Hello !

Thank to my friends who stay in my blog. I didn’t post anything for 3 months, because I must focus to my “National Exam”. I’m sorry. ^^

18 April 2013 was the last day for my national exam. That’s right! I’m a student in last grade senior high school. I believe I can graduate with the best score! *positive thinking* =)

Ok! Now I will give you one good song. ^^ and I want to tell you something!
When there was musical practice I ever sang this song in the big stage of my school. Alone! … and … you know? I got good score! 90! ^^
I was happy plus ashamed! Why?
Because all of my friends said: “You looked so different! You looked so feminine! And your voice likes a real girl!”
You know what is that meaning? They saw me like a girl only when I sang that song. =(
But, no problem. I also think as same as them. Hehe
Back to this song!! ^^

Glasses in front of his eyes and sweet smile, so cute!
He is Victor Wong. The real singer of this song. =)

This song is about someone who falls in love. Maybe you will think ...
“It’s ordinary theme”. If you listen the music, you will know that there is sweet thing in this song. Sweet guitar, soft drum, and smooth saxophone make this song so beautiful! I love it! ^^
Beside that, I love the lyrics also. These are the lyrics. =)

“Xin, gan xie ren shi ni.
(Heart, grateful to know you)
Ni, chong man wo de xin.
(You, fill my heart)
Ai qing hao shen qi you shi bu xu yau yan yu.
(Love is a good magic and sometimes words are necessary)
Sheng huo Li Mo Qi rang wo men dou jing xi.”
(Li Mo Qi ’s live let we *make* a surprise)

“Xin, ru guo mei you ni.
(Heart, if without you)
Wo xiang wu tou de cang ying.
(I like headless flies)
Wei lai gen gou qu bi wo xiang xin yi ding you qu.
(I believe future more interesting than the past)
Ni shi wo xin shang bu wan de feng jing.”
(I appreciate the endless landscape)

“Ci shi ci ke, wo que ding.
(At this time, I’m sure)
Wo que ding yong yuan dou ai ni.
(I’m sure always love you)
Wo que ding ni de que ding xiang xin yang yi yang de jian ding.
(I decided that your decision is faith as a firm)
Ci shi ci ke, wo que ding.
(At this time, I’m sure)
Jiu suan chuang wang lei sheng jin tian dong di.
(Even earth-shattering thunder outside the window)
Xian zai shen bian na ge ren shi ni wo jiu an xin.”
(Now, that person is around you, I feel at ease)

That’s the lyrics. If want to see the video click Victor Wong .
Hope you like it! ^^

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