
Saturday, 1 December 2012

Greeny ! Sodagreen .

I believe that you think that greeny in something about green. Go green! Maybe you are right, but maybe you are wrong. ^.^
Look at the picture!

Full of green color, isn’t it? But, Greeny doesn’t mean full of green color. Greeny is someone who stays in that pict! He so cute, isn’t he? ^.^
Yes, his name is Greeny. He is main vocal in one band called Sodagreen. Haha, actually we talking all about green! Greeny, Sodagreen, and maybe green colour. Haha ^.~

His real name is Wu Qing Feng. He was born at 30 August 1982. Actually, now he is 30 years old. But, his face so cute!! Besides of his cute face, I love his voice! His voice very comfortable. He has unusually high pitched and boyish, with his falsetto prominent in many Sodagreen’s song. I love it very much! ^.^

I’ve told you that he is main vocal in Sodagreen. In addition, he is songwriter also. Many Sodagreen’s song are written by Greeny. If you know that all of Sodagreen’s song have a meaning each song. And the words very good! I love it! And you must know that he ever had awards in 2007. He had choosen to be “Best Composer” at Golden Melody Awards! Wow ^.^

Just for fun. Look at the picture, and choose who is greeny!!

Don’t forget to listen Sodagreen’s song, like xing fu e du, ni zai fan nao shen me, xi huan ji mo, etc. ^.^


  1. Hy Cute,, ^^ nice blog ... your blog have inspiration value... and many people must follow it... ^^ i follow you... and don't forget to visit my blogger and team at and if you like it, send me message and follow my blog as your nice... ^^ Succes for you....!

    1. Thanks for reading my little note. ^.^

      I feel your blog is more nice than my blog. Maybe I should learn from you. Actually about techno. Thank you so much,, ^.~

      Success for you too..! Gan Bei (Cheers) ^.^


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