
Monday, 17 December 2012

Brown Sugar Macchiato .

Before we talk about this drama, I want to say welcome to all my new friends in this blog. Welcome to my little blog. And thanks for your appreciations.
Xie xie! ^.^

BSM is one drama about six boys who have same father but different mother. Haha It’s so funny. This drama was realized on 2007. The cast of those six boys is Lollipop. They are Ao Quan, Wang Zi, Xiao Yu Wei Lian, Xiao Jie, and Ah Wei. They are very cute. ^.^

Besides that, there is Hei Girl. They are Tong Tong, Gui Gui, Mei Mei, Da Ya, Xiao Jie, Xiao Xun, Xiao Man, Apple and Ya Tou. In this drama, Hei Girl is Lollipop classmate. ^.~

One day, those boys have met by their father. They never met each other before. They surprised to know that their father have other son. They could’t believe that their father was playboy! One boy said to his father: “I can’t believe this! I think you are faithful with my mother! But . .” “All of your mothers are so beautiful. I can’t choose only one. So, I have marriage with your entire mother. Hahaha,” the father replied.

The boys so angry! They walked to leave that room. But, the father’s assistant tells them that their father wanted to give them his entire things. If they can live together for one year, they will get one hundred million. All of them agreed to live together except Xiao Yu. The assistant said: “If one son doesn’t follow, then all of you won’t get anything.” Suddenly, Ao Quan, Wang Zi, Wei Lian, Xiao Jie, and Ah Wei forced Xiao Yu to follow them. The way they forced Xiao Yu is very crazy. Haha ^.~

First of all, they must go to their new home. When they arrived, they looked their new home. It was so dark. One of them said: “This home like a ghost’s home!” Suddenly, the door was opened by someone inside. Her hair was long, and her head was back down. The boys were terrified! “Ghooost!!!” “Aaaaaaa!! Where’s the ghooost?? Where’s the ghooost!!!” surprised someone inside. “You!!” the boys replied. “?!*?!’@#!*&%?!!!”

Someone inside is Ya Tou. She will help the boys in that home. After they entered that home, they wanted to take a rest in bedroom. But, in that home only have 3 bedrooms. So, they must sleep with one other boy. Ao Quan with Wang Zi, Xiao Yu with Ah Wei, and Xiao Jie with Wei Lian. They disliked each other. Then, they fight with their each way. Hahaha ^.^

Ao Quan and Wang Zi fighter in race like F1! Xiao Yu and Ah Wei fight with their own way. Xiao Yu played his electric guitar loudly, at the same time Ah Wei turned on his radio with high volume and dance happily! They made their home like a big stage!! So noisy!  Ya Tou was so panic. She brought a pan at hit their head with that pan! After that, she heard Wei Lian and Xiao Jie fighter in other room. She was angry, went to other room, hit their head and said: “Don’t fightiiing!”

Next day, they went to their new school. They met one girl who pretends to become a teacher. She punished them because they face was so bad! Hahaha It is strange reason!

After that, they came to their new class namely 206. There were nine girls who one of them have lied the boys.

It was a beginning of their journey! ^.^

One year is not a short time for them. The togetherness of them isn’t easy as they think. That year is full of barriers. But they keep spirit! We also must keep spirit! Jia You!! ^.~

The genre is school comedy, so many part of comedy in this drama. Besides that, this drama has some part of romance also. If you like drama with romance comedy in school, I recommend you to watch this drama!!

Oh ya, I almost forget. Look at the last picture! Who’s gone??

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